The team on the last day
So, some time earlier this year we made second place at the Boston Key Party
CTF. The BKP is one of seven CTF events this year where the winner qualified
for DEF CON CTF. The one who came in first had already qualified at that point,
which meant we got the spot. The DEF CON CTF is the big CTF event of the
year, and one of the bigger events at the (in)famous DEF CON hacking conference
in Las Vegas. H*ck yeah road trip to Vegas!
The CTF happened early August, and by the time I finally got to write this blog
post, other teams had published great writeups for almost all challenges. So
unlike other CTF-related posts, this one’s gonna be a travel report for our
casual readers rather than a writeup for the techies. There won’t even be code,
I promise!